Kristen Helberg - Paintings, Murals, and Vinegar Grained Boxes

Kristin Helberg

Decorative Boxes

kristin helberg

I’m creating new work for the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival at the Howard County Fairgrounds in Sykesville, MD. I’m located in the Main Exhibition Hall in booth B32. Come see my selection of tavern signs, decorative boxes and paintings. The show is May 3rd and 4th. You can see more of my work at

Tavern Signs

kristin helberg
The Barn Owl Inn c Kristin Helberg 2020

The Barn Owl Inn c Kristin Helberg 2020

If you like tavern signs, I have a selection of them for purchase at the online American Artisan Show at the Wilton Historical Society until December 5th. Just look for the Kristin Helberg artisan page on the website.

The Barn Owl Inn measures 17” w x 16 3/4” h. The owl image is acrylic paint and the sign itself is paint with a vinegar patina. For inside use only.

American Artisan Show at Wilton

kristin helberg
The Two Brothers c Kristin Helberg 2020 acrylics on canvas

The Two Brothers c Kristin Helberg 2020 acrylics on canvas

This is the 35th year for the American Artisans Show at the Wilton Historical Society in Connecticut. This year it is online. You can shop for hundreds of handmade items from the safety of your home.

In my section you will find whaling paintings, tavern signs and grained boxes. The story of poor Captain Pollard of Nantucket who survived the Essex after it was attacked by a huge whale, A few years later he was given the command of another Nantucket whaler named The Two Brothers, which sank in the Hawaiian islands. He survived this disaster to return to Nantucket a broken man.

Nov 5th to Dec 5th

Fair time

kristin helberg

My niece Nya and nephew Andre who lived on Martha’s Vineyard in 2009 were helping me invite the Obama family to come see my portrait of them at the Martha’s Vineyard fair. We knew the Obamas were visiting on the island in late August/early September.

September fairs are a wonderful American tradition and they will return again when we are all safe from Covid..

MD Sheep and Wool Festival online

kristin helberg


Yup, dont you feel like this little lamb? Where is the Sheep and Wool Festival?

Well, the great folks at Sheep and Wool are spending many hours creating the first online festival for May 2nd and 3rd.

Go to this Facebook account online on May 2nd and 3rd and join the fun. The show will go on. Community/

I will be around to answer questions.

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The Fog of War

kristin helberg
My Forest Dream c Kristin Helberg 2015 24” x 36”

My Forest Dream c Kristin Helberg 2015 24” x 36”

So here we are in the midst of a pandemic. Our President has declared a war on Covid 19. And the United States does seem to be caught in the fog of war. Decisions are being made on a daily and hourly basis.

For me it feels less like a war, and more like a fog that has settled in around us. There is danger out there, but we can not see it. It lurks around every corner and we know we must avoid it.

But there is also a surreal quality to daily life now. I created this painting in 2015, out of a sense of a great personal loss. Losing someone can seem so surreal, you wake up in the morning,and for a moment, you think they are still alive. Suddenly you remember your loss, nothing is the same, but you continue with your life in a surreal fog. .

Harriet Tubman

kristin helberg
Go Down Moses c Kristin Helberg 2012 24”x 24”

Go Down Moses c Kristin Helberg 2012 24”x 24”

Go Down Moses , was one of two paintings that I created for possible inclusion in a show at the Reginald Lewis Museum In Baltimore, that honored Harriet Tubman in 2012. The second painting, which was a scene entitled Underground Railroad, was acquired by the museum for their permanent collection.

Before beginning the portrait, I read quite a bit about Harriet Tubman and I was struck by a remark that she made about her gun. She said that she carried it not only to protect herself from bounty hunters, but any slave that accompanied her to freedom was warned that if they decided to turn back, she would have to shoot them.

This was a woman of great resolve, a woman who saw the bigger picture and understood that any slave that would turn back, could be tortured into disclosing all her escape routes.

An astounding woman in American history.

Kristin Helberg Murals

kristin helberg
Navajo Panel 2019 Resurrection St. Paul School

Navajo Panel 2019 Resurrection St. Paul School

Every year, the school at Resurrection St. Paul, gets a grant from the MD State Arts Council to have me work with the entire 4th grade to create permanent murals for the school. This year we did four Native American Tribes - Seminole, Navajo, Iroquois Nation and Plains Indians. The four panels, each 2 ‘ x 8 ‘ will be installed above the students lockers in the fourth grade hallway. Already the teachers are using it as a visual learning tool for their unit on Native American Tribes. It was a wonderful project. Here are details from two of the panels.

Plains Indians mural 2019 Resurrection St. Paul School

Plains Indians mural 2019 Resurrection St. Paul School

Tornado Warning

kristin helberg
Tornado c Kristin Helberg 2019

Tornado c Kristin Helberg 2019

For about two years, I had been thinking about doing a tornado painting. What inspired me to create such a painting was a memory of being in the midst of one when I was a child living in Arkansas and recollections of the terrifying tornado scene from the 1939 movie, The Wizard of Oz.

After watching a TV special about the devastating tornadoes that occur in Oklahoma each year, I was compelled to create it. When I finished the painting, I found it difficult to look at…….it frightened me.

Sometimes our attempts to slow down global warming seem impossible but we have to keep trying..

American Artisan Show at Wilton Historical Society

kristin helberg

Stove By A Whale c Kristin Helberg 2019 acrylic on canvas

I have been spending the summer creating paintings and vinegar grained boxes for my upcoming Fall and Holiday shows.

This painting, depicting the last day of the doomed whaling ship, The Essex, out of Nantucket will go with me to the American Artisan Show at the Wilton Historical Society in Wilton Connecticut.

The show is November 8th and 9th. For more information

Takoma Park Holiday Show

kristin helberg
Kristin Helberg painted boxes

Kristin Helberg painted boxes

Please come join me and fellow artisans this coming Saturday for the Takoma Park Holiday show. There is no admission fee and parking is available.


Saturday, December 8, 2018

10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Takoma Park Community Center

7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park MD 20912

I will have a large assortment of painted boxes as well as my tavern signs. See you there.

National Portrait Gallery

kristin helberg
National Portrait Gallery reception

National Portrait Gallery reception

On Saturday November 10th,, artists from across the United States who had artwork in the permanent collection at the National Portrait Gallery at the Smithsonian, were honored at a reception called Face Forward to celebrate contemporary artists and the power of portraiture.

I am fortunate to be one of those artists. It was a wonderful event with music, food, and a chance to sit for a sketch done by a team of quick sketch portrait artists. We were also able to see the newest exhibition called Eye to I:Self Portraits from 1900 to Today which was curated by Brandon Fortune, chief curator at the Portrait Gallery.

Guests could sit for a quick portrait

Guests could sit for a quick portrait

American Artisan Show

kristin helberg
The Whale’s Revenge c Kristin Helberg 2018

The Whale’s Revenge c Kristin Helberg 2018

Please join me and other artisans for the 33rd annual Show at the Wilton Historical Society in Wilton, Connecticut on Friday November 2nd and the 3rd from 10 to 5. There is a special preview party on the evening of November 1st.

I will be selling vinegar grained boxes, whaling and nautical boxes and paintings and Tavern signs.

For more information: The Wilton Historical Society 203-762-7257

$10.00 admission

Good Works Garden Mural

kristin helberg
Resurrection St. Paul school mural

Resurrection St. Paul school mural

I just completed a four week artist in residency at the Resurrection St. Paul school in Ellicott City, last Friday. I worked with the entire fourth grade and the school art teacher, Michele Rupert. The project was jointly funded by the school and the MD. State Arts Council.

We painted four 2 ‘ x 8’ panels that depicted a gardens. Two of the panels were created in an up close perspective of the flowers and garden creatures. The other two panels depicted before and after views of the students creating a garden. The school is a designated butterfly garden and they do a monarch release each year as well as build bird houses and boxes for mason bees.

new garden mural (2).jpg

Mysterious Owls

kristin helberg
The Owl Nest Inn c Kristin Helberg 2018

The Owl Nest Inn c Kristin Helberg 2018

With the approach of Autumn, I always think of owls.  Perhaps, because as a child, I always associated them with Halloween.

Those big scary eyes, the way they could turn their heads around, and their haunting night calls, made me think that they were somehow spirits of the night.

I created this Tavern sign, imagining an old Inn in the mountains, where you would fall asleep in your soft bed, to the sound of their calls.

The Whales of August

kristin helberg
The Whales Revenge c Kristin Helberg 12" w x 9.5" h x 7" d

The Whales Revenge c Kristin Helberg 12" w x 9.5" h x 7" d


August and September are wonderful months to see whales in New England. During the height of the whaling era, Nantucket was the center of the world whaling industry. 

For years I have read accounts of the men who worked on the whaling ships and I don't know who had it worse, the men or the whales.  Many times the men would not live out the length of the voyage which could last several years, or they were not paid at the end of the journey.  They were the coal miners of their generation.  They took on very dangerous work to keep the world in whale oil to light the lamps.

I have created grained and painted chests depicting some of the whaling stories.  For more information you can contact my website.

Nantucket Sleigh Ride c Kristin Helberg 2018 22"w x 7" h x 12" d

Nantucket Sleigh Ride c Kristin Helberg 2018 22"w x 7" h x 12" d

Vinegar Graining 2018 at Common Ground

kristin helberg
Graining students

Graining students

I had a wonderful group of students attending my vinegar graining class at Common Ground at Mcdaniel College, the week of June 25th through the 29th.   During the 15 hours of instruction, they learned the basic formulas for mixing vinegar paint and the techniques to create the textures and final varnishing. 

Each student took home a small chest, and an assortment of small boxes and frames which they had grained.   

Student grained boxes at Common Ground class

Student grained boxes at Common Ground class

Vinegar Graining Classes at Common Ground

kristin helberg
Grained boxes and frames by Kristin Helberg

Grained boxes and frames by Kristin Helberg

Come and join me for a week long class on Vinegar Graining at Common Ground on the Hill at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD from June 25th through the 29th.   During our 15 hours together, you will learn the vinegar grain formulas and techniques that date back to George Washington's time.

You will return home with a jewelry box and some small frames and the knowledge to let you tackle bigger pieces of furniture.  I only take 8 students. Must be 16 or older. 

For more information and registration

Or call 410-857-2771