The Wooly Lamb Pub

The Kraken Pub

The Smoking Cat Tavern

Plague Doctor Tavern c Kristin Helberg 2021
There are plenty of spirits to be had at this tavern. Acrylics on wood with a vinegar patina. 16” w x 26” h SOLD

The Spotted Cat c Kristin Helberg 2021
Wouldn’t you like to stay at the Spotted Cat? 15” w x 26” h.
Acrylics on the scene, vinegar patina on the sign. SOLD

The Packet Ship Inn c Kristin Helberg 2018
25” w x 24” h Acrylic on wood

The Beehive Tavern c Kristin Helberg 2021
Painted beehive scene with a vinegar patina. 15” h x 22” w.

The Rabbit Warren Inn c Kristin Helberg 2020
Acrylics on wood with a vinegar patina. 22” w x 14” h

The Barn Owl Inn c Kristin Helberg 2020
17” x 17” 195.00

Fox Hollow Inn c Kristin Helberg 2020
Measures 15” w x 24” h $275.00

The Wrens Nest c Kristin Helberg 2019
I want to wake up here. 15” w x 24” h $275.00

The Red House Inn c Kristin Helberg 2019
18.5 “ w x 24.5” h $275.00

The Mermaid Inn c Kristin Helberg 2019
lovely mermaid and shells. All hand painted.
14” w x 18” h SOLD

The Spouter Inn c Kristin Helberg 2018
The Spouter Inn, remember Moby Dick? This sign is sold

The Scrimshaw Inne
Inspired by Moby Dick story. SOLD
Waterford Festival
Waterford Virgina is a historic town. Each October they close the town to cars and have a show with vendors selling and demonstrating their Early American artform.
Portrait of a Small Child c Kristin Helberg 2013
Children were often painted holding a pet.