Kristen Helberg - Paintings, Murals, and Vinegar Grained Boxes

Kristin Helberg

Kristin Helberg teaches at Common Ground

Common Ground On The Hill


Vinegar Grained box by Kristin Helberg

Come and take my class on vinegar graining at the 19th annual Common Ground on the Hill at McDaniel College in Westminster, Maryland.

I will be teaching during Week I from July 1st through the 5th.   My class is every morning from 9 to 11:45.  During the week you will learn formulas for the vinegar paint and technique.  By Friday you will have completed a small chest and a faux marble mirror to take home with you.  You will also be armed with the knowledge to take on a bigger piece of furntiure when you get back home.

I only take 8 students so that I can give you personal attention as you learn this skill. Look for Vinegar Graining on Wooden Boxes in the first week of classes.

Common Ground is a Chataqua experience where you can take music, dance and art classes and attend talks and lectures as well.   Great for the entire family with classes avaiilable for children.  Come live on campus for a week and learn some new skills this summer.  to register online or have them mail you a catalogue.